Thursday, May 26, 2011

Video from their 6 month birthday

I made this in November 2010 to show the twins story from birth until their 6 month birthday. I know this is out of order time wise but you may want to watch this one first before viewing their one year birthday video. Hope you enjoy both.

The boys turned ONE!

I haven't been updating this since no reads it anymore but I guess I will add a few of my fav pics from their bday party to show how far they have come. As long as Google let's us keep the page we can look back at it when ever we want to.

Also, I am attaching a video below that I made for their first birthday:

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lukas and Aidan pics from June 29th

Happy 4th of July!

It's been a while since I've posted. Boys are getting bigger and stronger, they are off all their tubes and feeding on bottles now. Yeahh!!!As of July 1st... Aidan weighed 4 lbs. 13oz. and Lukas weighed 5 lbs 7oz. Aidan has had is eyes checked several times after his surgery and is showing signs of progress but not totally out of the woods yet. The optimologist wants to check them one more time before they go home. Oh, that might be in 2 weeks...holy cow! The top 2 pics were taken today by Daddy. (Aidan is the 1st pic, Lukas in the 2nd) The other pic used on the flag was from a few days ago. (Lukas on left, Aidan on right)

Monday, June 14, 2010

6/13/10 Visit

Yesterday, Denise met Jerad, the girls, and I at the track to watch the go-cart races then her and I left there and went to the hospital. It was sooooo hot here in VA! It has been about a week I think since my last visit. They change so fast, looking cute as ever. Denise got to do kangaroo care (where they lay their skin to her bare skin on her chest with their heads near her heart)with both boys at the same time. It was so cute seeing the boys so close together. I wonder what they think about when they see each other. LOL It was also great to see how happy and proud Dee is when she gets to hold them. Her face just lights up. The only bad part was I didn't get to hold them, AGAIN! But, I totally understand that we have to limit the amount of holding and stimulation to once per day so they can grow and get stronger. Of course I want to do what ever is best for them, so I will wait patiently for my turn for giving them some loving.

After getting kicked out of the NICU for their 6:30-8:00 closing, we went out for a delicious king crab dinner while enjoying the water view. Then we went back to the hospital for one last visit before bed. I will copy and paste Dee's medical update to this page from her other website later, this way I don't have to worry about giving out any wrong information. She is getting much better than I am at all this technical jargon since she spends so much time there with the nurses.

I will be back up there Friday night to sleep there because we have an early flight to catch to CT for Saturday's baby shower. So, I will get to see them again then. Yeahh! Of course, I can't post without adding MORE pictures so here a few more taken last night. ~Love, Lisa~

Saturday, June 12, 2010

More Pics!!

Because you can never get enough...Lukas, Aidan, and then their first pic together!!

And their new weights are: Aidan 3 lb 8oz Lukas 3 lb 15 oz